Our patented hydrophobic glass treatment is a one-time application that includes a 3-Year Warranty. Unlike wax-based or topical coatings, GlassParency is engineered to react to the silica within the glass, creating a chemical bond unmatched by the competition.
The two-step professionally installed application creates a barrier to repel water, snow, ice, dust, oil, and dirt, creating a resistant and easy-to-clean surface. Some of the significant benefits include enhanced optical clarity, better driver vision, safety for the driver and passengers, reduced day and night glare, and a more aesthetically pleasing appearance to your vehicle glass.
Repels Ice & Snow
In harsh winter months, snow and sleet will repel, and ice will become easier to remove, cutting down defrosting time.

Wash Away Bugs, Dirt, and Debris
Bugs, dirt, mud, and hard water stains will have difficulty sticking to the treated glass, making them wash away.
Reduce Glare, Boost Clarity
ClearClearer vision due to reduced night glare and rain repellency will keep you and your passengers safer.